Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Branding/Logo Design

                                 Branding/Logo Design

To fit nicely with my style and iconography of the product, the logo of my magazine will be the magazine name, 'Risen' in dark red font. The primary font i considered was Viner hand ITC. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Defining the Reader Profile

                        Defining the Reader Profile

Demographic information-Hard data, not questionable i.e. age, gender, income, location

Psychographic information- What genre do you like? What bands and artists? How much do you spend on music concerts per year? (Important to determine the competition to advertise on the cover) Whats your favourite brand? (Idea of featuring the brand in the magazine to further draw interest) How do you consume music? (i.e. download, stream, CD, vinyl etc) How many hours per week do you spend listening to music? What do you use to listen to music? (phone, Ipod, pc, etc) What are your other hobbies/interests? (i.e. video games)

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Genre Research

                                 Genre Research

A genre, specifically in music, is songs and/or bands that can be grouped into a category based on their similarities/differences to other songs and bands (i.e instruments used, production budget, number of members etc).

Examples of music genres 













Heavy Metal                      






Indie Rock









New Wave

New Age

This is only a small amount of the number of genres that are around today. The four genres I've selected to explore in greater depth are: Rock,  Metal,  Rock-Rap  and  Pop-Punk.

Summary of Conventions

                          Summary of Conventions

In media, conventions are trends, actions or mannerisms almost always used in media texts, which the majority of people recognize or understand in some way.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Magaine Cover (draft)

                          Draft Magazine Cover

                    This is my draft magazine cover, after the suggested changes and adjustments.I plan to vastly change and improve this in time.

Creating/Designing Product

                          Creating/Designing Product

Throughout the course of creating my magazine cover, something I always bared in mind was that it had to actually look like a magazine cover, not plain text over a normal image and that's  it. Small things like colour, font and placement changes would be necessary.

Firstly the medium close-up I took for my front cover is a good choice, as the background is white and works well with my chosen colour palette, and it's in focus, so fits the criteria given. This photo was set as my photoshop background.

The mast head of this magazine named "WykeInfo" is big and bold, and takes up the majority of the top of the cover. Purple was used as the main colour because it is associated with wyke.

 The red and blue colour scheme for the sidelines was intended to grab the reader's attention effectively, as blue is one of  the easiest colours to see from a distance, and red works very well on magazine covers, as it is strong and easily noticed.

Originally I planned to use yellow on my sidelines as appose to blue as shown here, but it was suggested to me that the yellow made some of the text unclear, and should be changed. After considering this, I noticed that was indeed correct, and changed the colour to blue, which resolved that issue.

It was suggested to me that I should change my cover photo, and I agreed. I plan to do this in a future version.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Story Ideas (draft)

                                    Contents Page

Here's a summary of the stories included in my cover

Diabetes alert dog patrolling Wyke campus                         

MP Diana Johnson visits Wyke  

Former student Rob Aramayo cast in HBO drama "The Wire"

Dramatic Increase in the number of A* grades at Wyke this year

Five Wyke students offered places at Oxbridge

The making of a good Curriculum Vitae

Possible Front Cover Photos

Here are all the photos I took as considerations for my front cover.

This shot is not a medium close up, so obviously cannot be used as my cover. This is the case for the vast majority of the pictures here.

These are extreme close up shots, so cannot be used

Despite all of these images being in focus, they are not medium close ups

This image is perfectly suitable to be my magazine cover in terms of colour, background and focus, but it is a landscape photo, so unfortunately would not work.

This photo is a medium close up, has good lighting, and is in focus. It is also a vertical shot. This is one to consider for sure.