Sunday, 10 January 2016

Mise-en-scene Location and Prop Ideas

                     Mise-en-scene Location and Prop Ideas

For my magazine cover, I plan to use outfits and props to look very similar to the band Hollywood Undead. Considering the style and iconography of them, the primary prop I plan to use is a mask.

Photograph of Hollywood Undead's current masks
In this photo, Hollwood Undead display a style heavily relating to the rap genre, seen by the hoodies and zip-up jackets they wear.

What makes Hollywood Undead stand out as artists is their decision to include masks in their style. This photo displays incredibly well the diversity of the masks the group wear. To base my magazine off of this group, a mask would be a requirement. I believe a mask, if done well, would make my magazine cover stand out, as the masks have for this group.

In addition to a mask, I am also considering glasses/shades, bandanas and caps as possible props, as Charlie Scene (left) does not spout a mask, instead uses different miscellaneous items of clothing to cover his face. 

I plan to make a bright mask, though not necessarily a colorful one. As seen above, all of the masks are bright. Even the left most mask is not colourful, but shines, so still catches your eye.

Because its a common theme with Hollywood Undead, and because it will be necessary for my mask to stand out, I plan to make the background a dark colour, likely grey. In front of dark curtains, or a wall at night, for instance, would be good locations. I will input these images via the green screen.

Additionally, I am considering including smoke on my front cover, inspired by the image below. This will be implemented by photoshop, as getting actual smoke in the green room (using a smoke machine for example) would be incredibly hard.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Hollywood Undead Member Quotes

                                       Hollywood Undead Quotes

I am considering using a number of quotes from members of Hollywood Undead in my magazine, so decided to list a number of the best ones I've found from some of the members.

Charlie Scene quotes: 
"I played a million empty shows"
"Every record we change and evolve a little"

J-Dog quotes: 

"You'd think years later I would've learned my lesson"
"We're just too different"

Style/Iconography of my Product-Bands In My Genre

    Style/Iconography of my Product-Bands In My Genre

Bands in the Rock-Rap genre are honestly pretty scarce. Throughout the emergence of Rap-Rock to now, there are only 6 well-known bands from this genre that I've heard of.

Hollywood Undead

Linkin Park


Papa Roach

Limp Bizkit

Evans Blue

Fortunately, these 6 bands have several different styles.

First is this new, dark (almost always full black), sleek leather black jacket style. More typical of pure rock or only pop-punk bands, this has been adopted by Papa Roach (first picture) and Linkin Park (second picture).


This next style is much more heavily inspired by rap than it is rock. This is the recognizable hooded jacket, baggie pants type style. This is adopted by Limp Bizkit , partially by Hollywood Undead (left) and heavily by Deuce (below)

Contents Page Inspiration and Articles

                Contents Page Inspiration and Articles

One of the lines from new Hollywood Undead song 'Dead Bite' conveniently happens to be 'see the dead on the cover of a magazine', which fits perfectly for my contents page for setting up the first article. I think the quote will be recognized by fans of the band, and may even be used as the prominent tagline for my front cover.

Here's a link to the song in question (explicit warning)

I discovered a cover of 'The Big Cheese' that featured Hollywood Undead, and decided to use that as my main inspiration for my actual front cover. I plan to take the position of the logo and the style and positioning of the news articles.

Magazine Name Ideas

                           Magazine Name Ideas

Considering the nature of the magazine and the primary band I took inspiration from (Hollywood Undead), I was considering a title relating to resurrection.

Ideas include: 


I also considered the fact that my genre is a mashup of two different popular genres, so thought names such as these would be fitting:


Other possible names I considered were:



The name I settled on was actually the first one, 'Risen' as it fits very well with the primary band I take inspiration from.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Demographic of my Product

                       Demographic of my Product

The demographic of my product is primarily teenagers, but specifically people aged 16-21. Said people will likely have a low amount of expendable income, so it's impartial that I price my magazine fairly.

Front Cover Ideas

                                Front Cover Ideas

Here's a collection of existing music magazine covers to draw inspiration from. I tried to make the majority of these from either the rap or rock genre, and ensured some were medium close-ups.

Double Page spread Inspiration and Ideas

               Double Page spread Inspiration and Ideas

To get some ideas for what my double page spread could look like, I collected many double page spreads to draw inspiration.